Regents Bachelor of Arts Program (RBA)

The Regents Bachelor of Arts Program (RBA) is tailored to help returning students finish their college degrees. RBA students are eligible to receive college credit for work experience, professional certifications, and military training.

You are eligible for the Regents Bachelor of Arts Program if you graduated from high school at least four years ago, do not hold a baccalaureate degree, and meet Concord’s general admission requirements. You may not be simultaneously enrolled in the Regents Degree program and another degree program. For more information please review the Academic Catalog.

  • Flexibility: There are no specific classes that students have to pass. Through your completed coursework, you have already fulfilled the RBA general education requirements.
  • Credit for professional experience: Credit may be awarded for certifications in a variety of professions including nursing, medical technology, insurance, criminal justice, computer information, accounting, and secretarial work.
  • College credit awards for professional licenses, certifications, and credentials: Click here to view our credit award for certified credentials table
  • Instructions for requesting college equivalency credit.
  • RBA opportunities for veterans and military personnel: A core feature of the RBA program is recognizing military training with college credit. Concord follows the American Council on Education’s (ACE) credit recommendations for veterans. Concord has taken an important step forward by partnering with Mountwest Community and Technical College to provide veterans with a seamless transition from Mountwest’s Associate Degree programs to the Concord RBA to masters programs in a variety of career fields.
  • Forgiveness: While RBA students must have a 2.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA) to graduate, failing grades received more than four years ago are not counted in calculating Regents students’ GPAs.
  • Residency exemption: Regents students need to complete only 24 credit hours in West Virginia’s public higher education system. The residency requirement that 36 credit hours be completed at Concord does not apply to RBA students. Note: At least 12 credit hours must be earned from Concord University. (Required: An Institution grade point average of 2.00 or better).

RBA students may pursue an Area of Emphasis in any field of study represented by Concord University’s degree programs. Students must complete a program of at least 15 hours of upper department courses (300 level or above) approved by faculty in that subject area. Students must earn an A, B, or C in each course and at least 9 of the credit hours must be from Concord University.

The Department of Business and the Department of Education have established specific curricula for their Regents Areas of Emphasis. Business students may have an Area of Emphasis in General Business. Education students may pursue an Area of Emphasis in Early Childhood Development. The Early Childhood Regents Bachelors of Arts (ECRB) program is designed specifically for child care professionals to fulfill the requirement for permanent community authorization.

Area’s of Emphasis Course Requirements:

Total credit hours 120
Upper department credit hours (in courses numbered 300 or above) 30
General education credit hours* 36
Elective Hours 48
Hours earned from state supported colleges, universities, or community colleges in West Virginia – 12 of these hours must be completed at Concord University 24

*The 36 general education hours must include the following:

  • Communication: 6 hours
  • Humanities: 6 hours
  • Natural Sciences: 6 hours
  • Social Sciences: 6 hours
  • Math / Computer applications: 3 hours

Concord Regents students have gone on to graduate study in a wide variety of fields including:

  • Education
  • Counseling
  • Music
  • Business Administration
  • English
  • Divinity

RBA graduates from Concord hold professional positions in a wide variety of careers including education, business, recreation, health care, and law enforcement. Here are a few jobs that Concord RBA grads are doing:

  • Football Coach
  • Social Worker
  • Corrections Officer
  • Teacher
  • Computer Network Manager
  • State Park Superintendent
  • U.S. Army Ranger
  • Paramedic Director

The West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS) is a statewide portal designed to facilitate the completion of the R.B.A. degree for all students enrolled in the program at any state institution of higher learning. All courses are taught by faculty employed at one of West Virginia’s colleges or universities. Because participating colleges and universities will cross-list the courses in their schedules, you will receive credit toward the completion of your degree no matter which state institution hosts the course.
WVROCKS offers important benefits, including:

  • Accelerated courses that can be completed in eight weeks, instead of 16.
  • Accessibility: WVROCKS delivers education directly to your computer, 24/7, at home or work—anyplace Internet access is available.
  • Affordability: $250 per credit hour.

*** Please note RBA students taking the WVROCKS classes ***

The RBA classes called WVROCKS are not accessed via Concord University Blackboard account. They are delivered via the West Virginia state’s portal called Brightspace at If you encounter any technical issues when logging in, please contact the WVROCKS Help Desk at 304-293-5192. They are available 24/7 to assist you.

RBA Resources